Understanding Biodynamics

Contemplating 500 and 501
Who has not enjoyed gathering together to stir and spread 500 on a farm in the afternoon?

The Compost Preparations and the Individuality of the Farm Organism
Working with the compost preparations, whether placing them within a freshly built compost heap, or participating in their making, is an essential part of biodynamics, and yet they remain deeply mysterious.
Read more The Compost Preparations and the Individuality of the Farm Organism

Approaching the Compost Preparations
What are some of the broad ideas from Rudolf Steiner’s Spiritual Science that can help us to begin to approach the compost preparations with understanding?

The Evolutionary Stages of the Earth and Biodynamics
Rudolf Steiner’s cosmological picture of the evolutionary stages of the Earth as a key to understanding the Agriculture Course.
Read more The Evolutionary Stages of the Earth and Biodynamics

Sulphur and Protein
Rudolf Steiner uses the poetic picture that the spirit “moistens its fingers with sulphur” when working into the substances of the earth. How does sulphur work in this process of bringing material elements into the realm of life?

The Ethers and the Spiritual Worlds
Beyond the customarily recognised material states of solid, fluid and gas, referred to esoterically by the elements of earth, water and air, Rudolf Steiner described four additional states – warmth, light, tone and life. In Anthroposophy these are commonly called the ethers. In this article we will approach them from the perspective of their relationship to the spiritual realms, and in this way attempt to characterize them.